Manage “Units”: Unit Health Overview TRAXEE
Additional screen in the module “units” (via app: Admin) to observe the health of TRAXEE devices installed in vehicles.
Customer portal: My Subscriptions (Phase 1)
“My Subscriptions” tool with which Admins can easily view & manage their subscriptions
Add or delete a vehicle battery charging station
A fleet that owns EV-trucks could have its own charging infrastructure that is located at the homebase of our customer. This feature will make it easy for this type of customer to add/delete a charger on a part of the SCALAR application.
Remote Assistance

This features enables customers to download and install “TeamViewer” directly in the SCALAR app to allow remote control for support purposes.

Status screen that shows if and where there are technical difficulties. Especially useful for customers with complex set-ups of integrations etc.
Monitor the potential loss/drop of all energy types in the fleet (Diesel, Gas, Electric)
With the ever-increasing price of energy, there is a real need for detailed information and contextualization when it comes to loss of energy in a fleet: where, how much, when, who was driving, what context. A new tab in the “Energy Management” module will enable Dispatchers, Fleet Managers or Purchasing Managers to follow and […]
Teams for integrators

Assign teams of assets, places, drivers etc. to an integrator to give focused/restricted access to your data. Similar to Who-sees-what.
Organize drivers, assets and places in groups

This enables an administrator to organize all drivers, assets and places into as many groups as needed. These groups can be structured in a specific hierarchy. This set-up can be used to determine user’s access permissions for tracking assets, drivers and places. (Picture serves as EXAMPLE)
Infringement management for social compliance
Raw Message Streaming (RMS)
; [ITEM-224] ; [ITEM-225] With this solution we can stream (take in) data from ANY device (SCALAR EVO and 3rd party) onto the SCALAR platform and share those raw and untreated data immediately with an OEM. The KEY element of this service is that we do not process these data further downstream in SCALAR […]