SCALAR Cargo app: messaging
as from Cargo app to fleet back-office.
Manage “Units” : Unit health overview for SCALAR EVO Pulse/Cast
Additional screen in the module “units” (via app: Admin) to observe the health of SCALAR EVO Pulse devices installed in vehicles.
Manage “Units”
the “Units” module, one can manage units, including List view of units Drill-down view (individual unit selected) Status of unit Details about the asset which is paired with the unit Information about subscription and warranty Filter on status of units and unit type Search for units
with European general data protection regulations while integrating data.
Trailer insights – Brake lining
in trailer brake anomalies
Traffic information
traffic on map. Some quality issues regarding map data to be fixed.
Route planner – basic
calculator, considering Start point (this could also be the current location of the asset), end point and via-points Different vehicle profiles Cost/hour/km The calculated route includes Route visualization on map with comparison table : fastest route versus shortest distance
Report – Distance
of distance travelled.
Report – Border crossing
of border crossing events.
Report – Alarms
of all alarms.