Group conversation: API module “Messaging”
API for messaging, specifically for group conversation
User-to-user messaging, extended with “global search”
Ability to search your messaging module for messages, users and groups via keywords (on module-level).
Broadcast to group conversation per vehicle

This allows a dispatcher to write a message and send it to several individual vehicles (license plates) simultaneously, knowing it will also be read by all dispatchers that follow that same vehicle as well as the specific drivers that are logged on to those vehicles. The idea is to notify the drivers driving those […]
User-to-User messaging, extended with “broadcast message to direct conversations”

allows a dispatcher to write a message and send it to several individual users simultaneously instead of to just one or one-by-one.
User-to-User messaging, extended with “Mark all as read”
feature makes it possible to filter and read all “unread” conversations only; and to mark all of them as “read” with the click of a button.
User-to-User messaging, extended with “Reply to”

In chats, there can be many replies back and forth. This feature allows the user to reply to a specific message in your chat. This way, people will have helpful context when they read your reply.
User-to-User messaging, extended with “Text-to-Speech”
This is a technology that converts text of incoming messages into spoken audio. This is only available for the driver app!
User-to-user messaging, extended with “save images”
Save images (PNG, JPG, JPEG) : this allows the backoffice user to save images (media) to their local devices
Group conversation per vehicle

This feature allows a dispatcher to send a message to a specific vehicle AND make sure this message is also received by all dispatchers that follow that vehicle as well as the specific driver who is logged on to that specific vehicle. The idea is to notify the (unknown) driver driving that vehicle and […]
User-to-user messaging: API module “Messaging”
Datahub API for messaging, specifically for direct messages between two users