User-to-User messaging, extended with “broadcast message to direct conversations”
allows a dispatcher to write a message and send it to several individual users simultaneously instead of to just one or one-by-one.
User-to-User messaging, extended with “Mark all as read”
feature makes it possible to filter and read all “unread” conversations only; and to mark all of them as “read” with the click of a button.
User-to-User messaging, extended with “Reply to”
In chats, there can be many replies back and forth. This feature allows the user to reply to a specific message in your chat. This way, people will have helpful context when they read your reply.
is able to scan documents, take pictures via workflow or ad hoc Dispatcher has dedicated screen for document follow-up API for TMS to get received documents This set of features does NOT yet cover all the document related capabilities as offered on SKY!
Configure instruction set for an asset [ITEM-59] Unplanned activity (with instruction set/workflow) selection for driver Real-time tracking activity for dispatcher Activity history reporting API for getting current and historical activity This set of features does NOT yet cover all the activity related capabilities as offered on SKY!
Display name of Assets
This feature adds an extra field in the Assets list, showing the name of the asset. To be added to the module “Assets” as part of the “Admin” app.
Remote control of reefer (via SCALAR EVO Guard)
feature enables an office user to remotely update the settings of a reefer (refrigerator) via a command in the UI, provided the technical conditions are fulfilled on reefer-side. This requires a SCALAR EVO Guard through which commands are pushed to the reefer unit. Currently possible with ThermoKing and Carrier reefers.
Planning (dispatching)
planning to driver [ITEM-74] Configure instruction set for an asset. This also includes: [ITEM-172] Enrich instructions with actionable (clickable) buttons to call specific telephone numbers, to open specific web pages, or to open specific third party apps [ITEM-121] Driver being able to execute planning and enrich via workflow entry. This also includes: [ITEM-171] Workflow […]
Reefer & temperature summary report
report that summarizes the temperatures of the reefer. Can be used as part of proof of proper cold chain management towards the end-customer.
Route planner – basic, extended with “toll cost”
is an extension of “Route planner – basic”. It adds toll costs. The calculated route includes toll cost, allowing the customer to opt for the cheaper route.