Display name of Assets
feature adds an extra field in the Assets list, showing the name of the asset. To be added to the module “Assets” as part of the “Admin” app.
Route planner – basic, extended with “toll cost”
is an extension of “Route planner – basic”. It adds toll costs. The calculated route includes toll cost, allowing the customer to opt for the cheaper route.
SCALAR Cargo app: messaging
as from Cargo app to fleet back-office.
Manage “Units” : unit health overview
button/screen in the module “units” (app: Admin) to observe the health of ZF devices installed in vehicles.
Manage “Units”
the “Units” module, one can manage units, including List view of units Drill-down view (individual unit selected) Status of unit Details about the asset which is paired with the unit Information about subscription and warranty Filter on status of units and unit type Search for units
with European general data protection regulations while integrating data.
Manage “Settings”
the “Settings” module, one can: Apply dispatcher specific working time zones for SCALAR Web App Search all organization settings from SCALAR Admin. Transfer account ownership to another user. Set language (see feature “language support”)
Language support for SCALAR web app
language availability for SCALAR web app: Polish
Language support for SCALAR web app
webapp is available in the following languages: English Dutch German French Spanish Portugese Italian
Data privacy overview
new data privacy requests, consult your existing requests in full details and adjust the data lifecycle according to applicable settings.