Single Sign-on (SSO): additional needs for TIP
Single sign-on, also for parent-child organizations (e.g. TIP) to use credentials from platform/organization A also for platform/organization B
PUSH API (aka “Datahub subscriptions”), extended with enhancements
[ITEM-149]; [ITEM-150]; [ITEM-220] Several enhancements to PUSH APIs: User Interface for customer, showing number of Webhook calls (total, success, failure), date & time, request size, integrator, status, etc. Overflow Integrator access rights permission Facilitate all types of customer communication via Datahub Subscription. There are two types of customer communication: Email Communications SCALAR in-app web […]
PUSH API (also know as “Datahub subscriptions”)

This is a data sharing service that enables a fast and efficient way of monitoring for updates. With the PUSH methodology (Webhooks), SCALAR will only send out an update when it has something new. Warning: not every PULL API will have a PUSH equivalent. This depends on the usefulness, as PUSH APIs are […]
Customer portal: My Subscriptions (Phase 1)
“My Subscriptions” tool with which Admins can easily view & manage their subscriptions
Remote Assistance

This features enables customers to download and install “TeamViewer” directly in the SCALAR app to allow remote control for support purposes.

Status screen that shows if and where there are technical difficulties. Especially useful for customers with complex set-ups of integrations etc.
Monitor the potential loss/drop of all energy types in the fleet (Diesel, Gas, Electric)
With the ever-increasing price of energy, there is a real need for detailed information and contextualization when it comes to loss of energy in a fleet: where, how much, when, who was driving, what context. A new tab in the “Energy Management” module will enable Dispatchers, Fleet Managers or Purchasing Managers to follow and […]
Organize drivers, assets and places in groups

This enables an administrator to organize all drivers, assets and places into as many groups as needed. These groups can be structured in a specific hierarchy. This set-up can be used to determine user’s access permissions for tracking assets, drivers and places. (Picture serves as EXAMPLE)
Third-party integration: service portal
Mixed fleet: service portal for MCU integration where customers can manage the link to “partners” (a.k.a. MCU providers) in order to (not) visualize the data of all of those partner’s devices in SCALAR. For example: if you have a device from company A, you can add or delete company A as a partner (link) […]
User-to-user messaging, extended with inbox search
Ability to search your messaging module for messages, users and groups via keywords (on module-level).